Nouveau western, exhibition, Angle Art contemporain, Saint-Paul-Trois-Châteaux, France


Duo exhibition view with Julien Cassignol
Curator Pablo Garcia

La ruine en action, 2021, concrete blocks gathered by the roadsides, marble powder, pigments, cement

La ruine en action, 2021, concrete blocks gathered by the roadsides, marble powder, pigments, cement

La ruine en action, 2021, parpaings ramassés sur le bord des routes, poudre de marbre, pigments, ciment.

La ruine en action, 2021, concrete blocks gathered by the roadsides, marble powder, pigments, cement

Sur le flot des métaphores, 2021, marble powder, pigment, cement, sand

Sur le flot des métaphores, 2021, marble powder, pigment, cement, sand

Sur le flot des métaphores, 2021, marble powder, pigment, cement, sand