On n’est pas payé mais jouons au golf


Golf clubs, 4 red balls, red flag, 4 participants
15 min
As part of the 73rd festival Jeune Création
Espace Niemeyer, Paris, France

On n’est pas payé mais jouons au golf is an installation that will be activated at the vernissage, it transforms the Espace Niemeyer into a mini-golf court. The artworks become playful, the space less serious, few discreet elements (small red flags) help to shift the imaginary of the place. The red balls that run through the space take account of the astonishing gradient of the site and tell a new story alongside the works, the proximity is joyful.

Through the title, the artist ironically highlights the contrast between the socialite context of the event and the precarious conditions of exhibition.

On n’est pas payé mais jouons au golf, 2023, performance, Espace Niemeyer, Paris, France, video capture Liis Lillo and editing Socheata Aing