Anne Deguelle

Diary - Mansart, 2015, éléments naturels et manufacturés, dessins, néon, plâtre, verre, bois, papier, carton, 1000 x 300 cm, vue d’exposition 8+/-2, commissariat Azad Asifovich, Galerie Mansart, Paris, 2016
Diary - Mansart, 2015, éléments naturels et manufacturés, dessins, néon, plâtre, verre, bois, papier, carton, 1000 x 300 cm, vue d’exposition 8+/-2, commissariat Azad Asifovich, Galerie Mansart, Paris, 2016
Coeur Corail, Saison 1 Épisode 1, 2019, performance, en duo avec Estelle Vernay, photo Régis Baudoin
Hecho en México, 2016, ensemble de trois double-textes espagnol/français, 40x30 cm
Le poids d’un sac léger, 2006, tampons sur papier de soie pour cerf-volant
To sleep to dream no more, 2010, vidéo, 4’44, couleur, projection sur tapis oriental
Poignée, 2008, verre , métal, boite en carton 33 x 26 x 6,5 cm
Darkness, 2017, impressions offset et estampe sur papier occultant, aimants, 63 x 90 cm chaque
Global Damages, 2013, dispositif, impression numérique sur papier Trucard, dimensions variables
Vostfr, 2017, installation, subtitles on glass plates and mirrors, steel frame, 200 x 200 cm
Strata and Dust Memory, 2019, wall engraving, rimer, pigments
Site specifi walldrawing
Henna, wallpaper glue
489 x 430 cm
Exhibition view SOL ! La biennale du territoire #2 - Soleil Triste, MO.CO. Montpellier Contemporain, France, 2023
L’amour n’est pas un crime, 2023, site specifi walldrawing, exhibition view SOL ! La biennale du territoire #2 - Soleil Triste, MO.CO. Montpellier Contemporain, France, 2023, photo Pauline Rosen-Cros
L’amour n’est pas un crime, 2023, site specifi walldrawing, exhibition view SOL ! La biennale du territoire #2 - Soleil Triste, MO.CO. Montpellier Contemporain, France, 2023, detail, photo Pauline Rosen-Cros
L’amour n’est pas un crime, 2023, site specifi walldrawing, exhibition view SOL ! La biennale du territoire #2 - Soleil Triste, MO.CO. Montpellier Contemporain, France, 2023, detail, photo Pauline Rosen-Cros
This wall drawing, made with henna, shows in negative the phrase “Love is not a crime” written in Arabic. This phrase is used as a slogan by Moroccan women and the LGBTQIA+ community to claim their rights and access new freedoms. The dimensions of the work (4m89) refer to article 489 of the Moroccan penal code criminalizing homosexuality and which was incorporated into the law during the French protectorate. The use of henna leads us to think about the body, with this characteristic smell which accompanies places of intimacy, freedom or even resistance, and which, here, permeates the exhibition room.
Stefania Meazza, exhibition booklet excerpt Et j’ai vu le bout du pays où les nuages sont infinis, volet I, BBB centre d’art, Toulouse, France, 2022
L’amour n’est pas un crime, 2023, site specifi walldrawing, exhibition view SOL ! La biennale du territoire #2 - Soleil Triste, MO.CO. Montpellier Contemporain, France, 2023, details, photos Pauline Rosen-Cros