"Vous savez, mon ami…"
Limestone block, gold leaf
Exhibition view Measure the Valleys, 13rd contemporary tour in the Lot valley,
Production Maison des Arts Georges et Claude Pompidou centre d'art contemporain, Cajarc, France, 2018
“You know, my friend, that for pensive minds, all the parts of nature, even the most disparate at first glance, are linked together by a host of secret harmonies, invisible threads of creation that the contemplator perceives, which make the great whole an inevitable living network of a single life, nourished by a single sap, one in variety, and which are, so to speak, the very roots of being.”
Victor Hugo, Pyrénées ou le voyage de l’été, 1843
The raw stone blocks extracted from a local quarry, moved to the Rocher de la Baume panoramic site and to the village’s intimate parish hall, encourage visitors to frame their experience of the surrounding and distant landscape. Between nature and artifice, Lucie Laflorentie highlights certain surfaces to create areas of contemplation and plays of light, while working on planes and lines, textures and grooves, breakthroughs towards the horizon.
Exhibition booklet Measure the Valleys, 13rd contemporary art tour in the Lot Valley, Maison des Arts Georges et Claude Pompidou centre d’art contemporain, Cajarc, France, 2018
Vous savez, mon ami, 2018, installation, bloc de calcaire, feuille d’or, photo Yohann Gozard
Vous savez, mon ami, 2018, installation, bloc de calcaire, feuille d’or, photo Yohann Gozard
Vous savez, mon ami, 2018, installation, bloc de calcaire, feuille d’or, photo Yohann Gozard
Vous savez, mon ami, 2018, installation, bloc de calcaire, feuille d’or, photo Yohann Gozard