Jimmy Richer
Julie Crenn 2018
Jimmy Richer’s work encompasses drawing in all of its forms: on paper, as murals, installations or publications and, more recently, through tattoo art and performance. His projects hinge on an alternation of various drawing mediums, used with no established hierarchy between them. This same horizontality also exists within his visual world, in which references to ancient culture appear alongside science fiction narratives, medieval iconography interacts with comics, and the naturalist aesthetic of the 17th century coexists with antique tarot images. Jimmy Richer wields these references seamlessly through the use of free association and outlandish connections, which he renders in the form of profuse interventions which match the scale of the spaces in which the artist works and resonate with the contexts in which he enters as if he were an elusive visitor. Research and observation are the solid foundations of the artist’s work process, which he carries out by gleaning the most curious stories he can come across, which are often closer to fiction than to historical reality, with a narrative exuberance that the opulent proliferation of his drawing echoes perfectly.
Translated by Lucy Pons, 2022
Philippe Ramette, Philippe Mayaux, Laurent Grasso, Pierre Ardouvin, Natacha Lesueur, Abdelkader Benchamma, Charles Avery, Hippolyte Hentgen, Julien Tiberi, Yûchi Yokoyama, Raymond Pettibon, Moebius, Druillet, Caza, Gimenez, Charles Burns, Gigger, Hayao Miazaki, Winshluss, Nicole Claveloux, Ludovic Debeurme, Ugo Bienvenu, Vinciane Despret, Baptiste Morizot, Gilles Clément, Francis Hallé, Emanuele Coccia, Bruno Latour, Gaston Bachelard, G.L Borges, Italo Calvino, Ernst Haeckel, James Sowerby’s…. Et pleins d’autres !
Essentiellement le dessin (crayons, feutres, pinceaux) sur différents supports (papier, mur, installations, tatouages, édition).
Essentiellement des techniques à l’eau (encre de chine, encres de couleurs, aquarelle) pour le dessin et souvent le bois pour les installations.
Crayons, feutres noirs, pinceaux, brosses, scotch de masquage, peinture acrylique, vidéo-projecteur
Documenter, lire, observer, regarder, écouter, enquêter, compiler, imaginer, situer, localiser, patienter, méditer, dormir, travailler, proposer, réaliser, dessiner, peindre, scotcher, ne plus fumer, souffrir, apprécier, fêter, recommencer
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