Still Life
2015 - in progress
Clay, bones, cotton, shells, wax, wine, terra cotta, papier mâché, paper, gouache, glass, enameled stoneware, wood, pigment, wild flowers, wool
In French, we speak of nature morte. In English still life literally translates as still life, while the German Stilleben adds the silent to the inert. In these installations begun in 2015, I mixed the different domains of the living and the immobile, the edible and the indigestible. Perennial and perishable.
Still Life, 2016, terre cuite, grès, fil de coton, cire, papier mâché, bois, laine, détail, vues de l’exposition collective Bastion!, centre d’art Nei Liicht, Dudelange, Luxembourg
Still Life, 2016, papier, gouache, verre, argile crue, grès émaillé, bois, pigment, cire, fleurs sauvages, Ateliers Ouverts, Le Bastion, Strasbourg, détails, photos Emma Cozzani