

Plaster, halfa, wild olive tree wood, leather, synthetic riggings, plant-based dye, silk, silver-gelatin photographs, iron, stone, slides
In the frame of DELTA residency, in partnership with Es Far Cultural, Minorca, Spain, Jiser Reflexions Mediterrànies, Barcelona, Spain and the Centre d'art Le Lait in Albi, France

Idiolecte is a group of objects borrowing the vernacular codes, forms and materials of the island of Minorca. Plaster, esparto grass, wild olive wood, leather, synthetic rope, plant dyes, all materials which draw the contours of the land. In Minorca, natural resources are tightly controlled, and drinking water, together with most merchandise, materials and foodstuffs, comes from the mainland. The artist has strictly complied with a procedure whereby she works exclusively with what she has found and collected on the island—materials and know-how—in order to create the bases of an at once fictional and concrete material culture.

Areder, 2020, aerial views of drystone walls sketches

Idiolecte, 2020, installation, plaster, halfa, wild olive tree wood, leather, synthetic riggings, plant-based dye, silk, silver-gelatin photographs, iron, stone, slides

Idiolecte, 2020, installation, plaster, halfa, wild olive tree wood, leather, synthetic riggings, plant-based dye, silk, silver-gelatin photographs, iron, stone, slides, detail

Idiolecte, 2020, installation, plaster, halfa, wild olive tree wood, leather, synthetic riggings, plant-based dye, silk, silver-gelatin photographs, iron, stone, slides, detail

Idiolecte, 2020, installation, plaster, halfa, wild olive tree wood, leather, synthetic riggings, plant-based dye, silk, silver-gelatin photographs, iron, stone, slides, detail

Idiolecte, 2020, installation, plaster, halfa, wild olive tree wood, leather, synthetic riggings, plant-based dye, silk, silver-gelatin photographs, iron, stone, slides, detail

Idiolecte, 2020, installation, plaster, halfa, wild olive tree wood, leather, synthetic riggings, plant-based dye, silk, silver-gelatin photographs, iron, stone, slides

Idiolecte, 2020, installation, plaster, halfa, wild olive tree wood, leather, synthetic riggings, plant-based dye, silk, silver-gelatin photographs, iron, stone, slides, detail

Idiolecte, 2020, installation, plaster, halfa, wild olive tree wood, leather, synthetic riggings, plant-based dye, silk, silver-gelatin photographs, iron, stone, slides, detail