9 min 35 sec
Film Célie Falières and Igor Boyer
Editing Claire Lacabanne
Original music Chicaloyoh
With the support of Sentier des Lauzes and the Atelier Blanc in Villefranche-de-Rouergue, France
Arcadie was born in the fall of 2022 in Ardèche during the residency at the Sentier des Lauzes refuge-studio. Through the meeting with Laurent Mayet, a shepherd-felter, I learned to work the wool of his sheeps and created this piece which allows me to find a place in the landscape. Then, using a mini-DV camera, I reenact a pantomime antiquity in this landscape of scrubland and dry stones.
The original music of Chicaloyoh is a rereading of the film, where the image and the sound are two fictions which overlap.