

9 min 35 sec
Film Célie Falières and Igor Boyer
Editing Claire Lacabanne
Original music Chicaloyoh

With the support of Sentier des Lauzes and the Atelier Blanc in Villefranche-de-Rouergue, France

Arcadie was born in the fall of 2022 in Ardèche during the residency at the Sentier des Lauzes refuge-studio. Through the meeting with Laurent Mayet, a shepherd-felter, I learned to work the wool of his sheeps and created this piece which allows me to find a place in the landscape. Then, using a mini-DV camera, I reenact a pantomime antiquity in this landscape of scrubland and dry stones.
The original music of Chicaloyoh is a rereading of the film, where the image and the sound are two fictions which overlap.

Arcadie, 2023, video

Ne restez plus un tisserand nu, 2022, felt wool, synthetic fabrics, Le Sentier des Lauzes, France