Réseau documents d'artistes

Documents d’artistes Occitanie is a member of the Réseau documents d'artistes (Documents d’artistes network), that counts 8 members in 2024: Documents d’artistes PACA, Bretagne, Auvergne Rhône-Alpes, Nouvelle-Aquitaine, La Réunion, Geneva and Centre-Val-de-Loire.

Founded in 2011, the Documents d’artistes network strives for the visibility and outreach of the regional art scene on a national and international level, through commissioned texts and films, studio visits (Meet Up), public events and support from professional partnerships. The Documents d’artistes network also implements action towards accompanying artists, favouring professional collaborations and allowing access to professional resources (open calls for projects, residencies…).

The federation is a collaborative and contributory workspace that unites the member associations of Documents d’artistes through a charter and a code of conduct. It ensures the correct use of the Documents d’artistes designation and the work methods linked to the digital artistic documentation developed by its founding members. It is a joint resource maintained and developed by its members and profits from the specificities of the work carried out in each region.

For more information about the Documents d’artistes organisations’ missions and their integration in the areas where they work, download the booklet DDA, un outil au service de la scène artistique territoriale (in French).


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