


Site specific installation
Balloon 150 cm in diameter, filled with helium and coated with 1400 sheets of white gold, weather sensor, weights

The site specific installation M2K2 is the reconstruction of a balloon-sensor used in meteorology to make local measurements in the atmosphere up to more than 30 000 m altitude – higher than the peak of clouds.

This balloon of a diameter of 150cm is entirely coated with white gold. Once blown up, the sheets of white gold are installed little by little until they completely cover the scientific object. The matter is suspended; it only holds thanks to the helium in the balloon. This new moon-like surface refers to the movement of the balloon in the sky. The name of the M2K2 project evokes the most-used sensor in weather forecasting. A “weather sensor hunter” recovered this sensor, which had been installed on the ground. This hunter tracks down the sensors thanks to a particular frequency that they give out – not unlike in a gold hunt. This piece becomes meaningful in the fragile context of economical fluctuations. Both poetic and manifest, M2K2 brings forward monetary and climate change.

M2K2, 2012, ballon 150 cm de diamètre, feuilles d’or blanc, sonde météo

M2K2, 2012, ballon 150 cm de diamètre, feuilles d’or blanc, sonde météo

M2K2, 2012, ballon 150 cm de diamètre, feuilles d’or blanc, sonde météo